Sammamish High School

How would you explain your organization in 300 words or less?

Glassblowing has been offered at Sammamish High School in Bellevue, Wa sunder 1999. It is taught by local artist, Melissa Misoda

How did this program begin?

It began as a way to bring more art to high school age kids.

How are you keeping your program financially sustainable & what strategies do you recommend?

We rely on school budgeting and fundraising sales.

What impact are you seeing & how do you measure success?

I’ve had many students go on to pursue glass as a career. I often hear from past students how much this class changed their lives, brought an appreciation to the material that they would not have had, made High School more enjoyable. So many students shy away from art class because they do not feel they are ‘good at art’ and this changed that perception!

Are there any community programs or organizations that inspire(d) you?


How has the outbreak of COVID-19 impacted your program, if at all?

We did not run the glass studio for over a year! Yikes!

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